

Cant believe its been a month since i last blogged, the month went by very fast. Well heres a quick one.
So are we ready to open the door to wonderland??? I hope that was a yes/yayy. Ok so i chose the concept "Alice in Wonderland" because theres something very blossombymi-le'y about it.lol
My crit was today, Thank God that has been the best presentation i have had in school history.
Not one negative critcism was said, the closest to it was the jacket could have been a little bit more fitted.
The criticism from my last presentation(springing forth) really helped with is project, i took so much on board.

Had fun with the sketchbook it was more like a storybook, dont know if you remember those little children's books that have little figures that pop out or stick out when you turn the page.
I can only show a few pics because paranoia seems to be telling me not too share too many ideas online.

Ejeka ma lo(oya lets go) hehe

hehe stripy socks...allow it you need to have fun when you illustrate. Dont expect anyone realistically to walk out of the house that, except u want to why not..freedom of expression.

So the " hard to please" tutors really liked the little twist on tailoring and thought what was made reflected the concept. So i am happy with it, they are happy with! hope ur happy with it, so that we can all be happy with it lol.. if not well sorry thats Blossombymi-le for you.

Have a fantastic weekend and if you are into fashion, art or architecture and you're in london seize the opportunity this summer to visit the Viktor and Rolf exhibition at the Barbican, it was tremendous, well considering the fact that i love doll-houses but honestly its one of the greatest exhibitions i have been to.
p.s- cant believe i am not going to see this peeps again, Marie's going back to Belgium to study fashion journalism and Sho's going back to Japan. As for Mi-le shes still carrying on with school...
Have a great spectacular weekend people and try and have fun with fashion this weekend, experiment, do something different. loads of kisses, take care and God bless....bye